The most obvious topic this leads me onto is people, every single person is different and special with their own unique trates, weaknesses and likes, yet sadly most people nowadays see themselves not as a special gift to the world but simply a vessel for advertisers and just merely exsisting just to fit in.
On my local town highstreet the main shop is Woolworths where outside the ‘goths and metallers’ hang out forever staring at the ‘townies’ on the otherside of the precinct. The goths will cite their reasons for hating the other groups because of their music tastes and saying they act like sheep all following eachother, yet when you analyse the alternative crowd it comes to light they are infact townies in darker coloured clothing. They are simply dismissing unique people for what sounds they prefer and what clothes they happen to like, much like the townie group of teenagers. Not exactly the care free attitude that people say this countries youth employs.
Personally I have my own crowd of friends all with different musical and attire tastes and I’m content with that, I don’t have to worry about trying to fit in in any way. However what really boils my blood is when I see a 14-15 year old getting called a ‘wannabe’ for wearing a Papa Roach hoodie and wearing baggy jeans, OK, so the kid may not have a vast musical knowledge and Papa Roach (or any other pop-metal act) may be have been their first contact with the alternative scene as such and while the band might not be to everyone’s taste is it really worth slating somebody for liking them? Take them to the side or under your wing and introduce them to your flavour of music, create more fans not single each one out so there is no more new music fans rising through the ranks.
People with their narrow minded attitude are killing the future generation of musicians and fans as before they’ve even had a chance to discover one sound that door has been forced shut on them by somebody who thinks they have a right to critise somebodies likes and clothing.
Aprechiate and respect people’s tastes is what I’m saying, afterall one person’s disgust is anothers tasty treat.