Last Post
by DarwinDude
, 16 May 08:13
53 replies |
16 May 14:06
by OceanStorm
is there a disease where the thing you do is
by cat_race
, 16 May 13:10
8 replies |
16 May 13:30
by cat_race
What defines you as being an adult?
by Bamnan11
, 15 May 19:44
70 replies |
16 May 13:15
by amyblue
Wednesday Wigan woes & fuck off Ferdinand football fred
by vamos
, 15 May 09:44
368 replies |
16 May 11:47
by Raanraals
I've been thinking about omelettes
by PickledOeuf
, 16 May 01:21
14 replies |
16 May 11:43
by meths
i watched the film 'A Bronx Tale' last night...
by forzaborza
, 18 Apr 11:53
11 replies |
16 May 10:28
by Elaina_Casoolare
good words you can touchtype with just one hand..
by ronslunchbox
, 15 May 15:59
37 replies |
16 May 10:21
by slavestate
Assisted Dying - public support at all time high
by MrBones
, 15 May 12:00
60 replies |
16 May 10:14
by sophiacherryx
The Fall (new BBC2 TV series)
by marckee
, 13 May 21:13
26 replies |
16 May 09:32
by Teepee_uk
Clown Passions
by TheBeautifulOnes_
, 15 May 22:25
4 replies |
16 May 09:27
by blisters
by in_limbo
, 16 May 03:45
2 replies |
16 May 08:46
by freddiehubbard
Tesco World Food Aisle
by steinbolt
, 15 May 17:20
71 replies |
15 May 21:51
by shrewbie
Drinktankard - DiSser Beer Appreciation Club #1
by sean
, 14 May 21:23
16 replies |
15 May 21:50
by sean
electronic cigarettes
by justanothersheeldz
, 11 Feb 08:47
57 replies |
15 May 21:31
by PickledOeuf
Things that *everyone* does, but no one will admit to.
by GayGuevara
, 14 May 14:15
65 replies |
15 May 20:20
by Raanraals
by cat_race
, 15 May 09:52
36 replies |
15 May 19:57
by cat_race
Man dies after having sex with a hornet's nest
by juicegermer
, 15 May 16:24
60 replies |
15 May 19:24
by anal_schwarzenegger
Who was it that was saying they quite like David Icke and
found some of his ideas believable the other day?
by lemonbrickcombo
, 15 May 12:14
22 replies |
15 May 18:42
by moker
Man dribbling a football 10,000 miles dies in the attempt
by hip_young_gunslinger
, 15 May 14:00
10 replies |
15 May 18:38
by Jawstheshark
i've got the shits
by is_it_giro_day_tom
, 15 May 17:27
9 replies |
15 May 18:22
by alcxxk
Is there a calculation for working out the temperature of a
pot of water that is a mix of boiling and, say,
8''C water?
by Smee
, 15 May 16:06
47 replies |
15 May 17:59
by japes
Is it more important to replace primogeniture with gender
equality than to remove it altogether?
by TheWza
, 14 May 15:52
31 replies |
15 May 17:46
by DarwinDude
3 things you wish you had known 10 years ago
by MrBones
, 15 May 12:55
67 replies |
15 May 17:32
by joeymahone
This morning, Wednesday,
by andyvine
, 15 May 11:17
76 replies |
15 May 17:30
by andyvine
Who wants to go one a date with me?
by chris_is_cool
, 15 May 16:38
65 replies |
15 May 17:20
by lemonbrickcombo
Is there an app that can tell you when something you want to
buy goes on sale?
by Elaina_Casoolare
, 15 May 14:08
5 replies |
15 May 15:45
by TheWza
What things from The Future are you looking forward to?
by alcxxk
, 15 May 13:28
66 replies |
15 May 15:45
by robluvsnic
What was that cheap phone website that someone recommended
the last time we had a "what phone should I buy?"
by Epimer
, 15 May 10:43
5 replies |
15 May 15:24
by Matt_was_taken
by marilyninthesky
, 15 May 13:25
28 replies |
15 May 15:12
by JaguarPirate
How's your sleep?
by NoahVale
, 15 May 10:48
34 replies |
15 May 15:02
by ethricdouble
wut u hvng 4 lnch?
by chris-budget
, 15 May 13:41
4 replies |
15 May 14:52
by JaguarPirate
Have any rich people employed poor people to pick up their
dogs poop in public places, for them?
by creakyknees
, 14 May 12:31
36 replies |
15 May 14:36
by creakyknees
hello - i need a wallplanner for the rets of the year -
they are all horrible - can you help find me a nice one?
by chris-budget
, 15 May 10:41
23 replies |
15 May 13:00
by chris-budget
This Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares nonsense
by sharp_yet_blunt
, 14 May 22:51
9 replies |
15 May 12:20
by badmanreturns
Happy Birthday LordLuciusBanter
by twentynine
, 14 May 11:32
28 replies |
15 May 12:03
by LordLuciusBanter
what is the best swearword?
by TheBeautifulOnes_
, 13 May 19:03
52 replies |
15 May 11:48
by TheBeautifulOnes_
Bristol or Manchester?
by stickboy
, 09 May 17:55
52 replies |
15 May 11:40
by DarwinDude
Graphic Designer Needed For Project ASAP
by marilyninthesky
, 14 May 17:50
37 replies |
15 May 11:08
by andyvine
does anyone on here have a girlfriend?
by DarwinDude
, 14 May 15:02
136 replies |
15 May 11:00
by icouldwinarabbit
FAO Boffins (laptop volume-centric)
by is_it_giro_day_tom
, 15 May 01:19
13 replies |
15 May 10:59
by Yesiamaduck