Tesco World Food Aisle
Tell you what, I could shop just from this aisle alone. Our local one is massive and in an "ethnically diverse" area so you get some mad shit in there. Indian food, Japanese, Thai, Greek, Jewish, Carribean. They have specifically Pakistani rice. Huge barrels of oil. Polish food looks pretty crap, all their juices seem to contain carrot. Plantain chips are great. Tins of saag aloo - better that I imagined, probably what the local takeaway uses to be honest. The spices are cheaper and you get more than the own-brand stuff. Plus it is proper (probably). One has just started doing Irish and American food, I have no idea what red lemonade or tootsie rolls are. Anyone else a fan of this stuff? After going down it I find the normal aisle are really boring, with their tins of beans and Fray Bentos pies and such.