Last Post
I'm drunk ask me anything!
by Bamnan11
, 25 May 19:46
54 replies |
26 May 16:44
by robluvsnic
I'm up for shagging a diser or two
by untrue
, 26 May 04:09
23 replies |
26 May 16:39
by untrue
hi there
by atbay
, 26 May 13:32
1 reply |
26 May 14:06
by Tillance
by legendinmylunchtime
, 26 May 00:11
9 replies |
26 May 12:25
by TheBeautifulOnes_
I wish I still went out at the weekend
by untrue
, 24 May 18:50
48 replies |
26 May 04:34
by Sibley
Which fascist dictator was a homunculus, just the right size
for a village in the municipality of Melhus, Norway
by alcxxk
, 25 May 10:30
8 replies |
26 May 01:05
by -dan-
who would you regard as 'a moral person'
....someone who you would aspire to be more like spritually?
by creakyknees
, 24 May 13:37
39 replies |
25 May 23:57
by blisters
The Wright Way [BBC sitcom]
by forzaborza
, 27 Apr 00:42
14 replies |
25 May 21:52
by NoahVale
Which fascist dictator was a bell in London that liked to
consume wonky chocolate pudding?
by OvertakenByTractors
, 25 May 06:07
5 replies |
25 May 21:27
by OvertakenByTractors
UFC 160
by wewerewerewolvesonce
, 25 May 20:33
2 replies |
25 May 20:39
by wewerewerewolvesonce
Jaden Smith's Face
by CrispinAlexander
, 24 May 20:11
58 replies |
25 May 19:36
by NoNoNoRobots
Woman wears Abercrombie & Fitch for a year as a
performance art project.
by TheBeautifulOnes_
, 25 May 18:47
9 replies |
25 May 19:20
by -dan-
boxing people
by wrightylew
, 25 May 17:40
1 reply |
25 May 17:40
hey meths what chocolate
by andyvine
, 24 May 16:28
64 replies |
25 May 16:58
by andyvine
i'm in a dire situation. please help me.
by CrispinAlexander
, 14 Aug 02:43
97 replies |
25 May 16:16
by heartworms
little indulgences which could turn into addictions if
you're not careful.
by TheBeautifulOnes_
, 24 May 15:37
63 replies |
25 May 14:49
by urbanfox
I've been noticing a lot more bird shit around these
by douchebag
, 25 May 10:59
4 replies |
25 May 13:48
by anal_schwarzenegger
Which communist leader tended to drink lots of coffee when
his car stopped running?
by OvertakenByTractors
, 24 May 19:30
9 replies |
25 May 12:16
by theintl
Which earphones should I buy? I'm looking for a pair
around £40-50.
by BMS1
, 25 May 11:02
2 replies |
25 May 11:31
by BMS1
legality of living in warehouses
by alcxxk
, 23 May 18:27
88 replies |
25 May 10:23
by alcxxk
The Onion
by zxcvbnm-
, 24 May 13:40
25 replies |
25 May 10:20
by funkycow
Karl from Australia's Today Show
by Scout
, 24 May 14:09
8 replies |
25 May 08:16
by blisters
This is one for all you computer nerds
by OvertakenByTractors
, 24 May 20:55
3 replies |
24 May 20:59
by OvertakenByTractors
Rough metal projection unattached to cake joins thigh to
by the_ravens
, 24 May 19:19
3 replies |
24 May 20:52
by the_ravens
Have a lovely bank holiday weekend!
by Bamnan11
, 24 May 19:14
97 replies |
24 May 20:00
by the-breacher
Which Hasidic president and Shakespearian king got pig fat
stuck in their fish-like breathing apparatus?
by OvertakenByTractors
, 24 May 19:02
2 replies |
24 May 19:49
by OvertakenByTractors
Friday science question: It's pissing it down: If I run
in the rain, do I get wetter?
by moker
, 24 May 13:37
55 replies |
24 May 19:14
by stanstubbs
which president keeps his trumpton firemen toys in a metal
by creakyknees
, 24 May 18:44
3 replies |
24 May 19:14
by the_ravens
which former UN general secretary has a coffee and a naan
for breakfast every morning?
by fuckyeahdubstep
, 24 May 19:02
1 reply |
24 May 19:02
which president plays a percussion instrument by request?
by anal_schwarzenegger
, 24 May 18:59
0 replies |
24 May 18:59
which president is an emulsion of egg yolk and liquid
by japes
, 24 May 18:50
0 replies |
24 May 18:50
which president lives life to the fullest?
by japes
, 24 May 18:35
4 replies |
24 May 18:47
by ethricdouble
wine drinkers: how much does house wine generally cost in a
by Smee
, 24 May 17:32
25 replies |
24 May 18:42
by PickledOeuf
i watched the film 'Bandits' the other night...
by forzaborza
, 24 May 16:33
7 replies |
24 May 18:38
by OvertakenByTractors
by ZooKeepersBoy
, 24 May 09:02
122 replies |
24 May 18:33
by Matt_was_taken
Who's the most pedantic president in the world?
by TheBeautifulOnes_
, 24 May 17:51
39 replies |
24 May 18:33
by anal_schwarzenegger
who is the most publicity aware president in the world?
by creakyknees
, 24 May 18:18
5 replies |
24 May 18:29
by japes
who is the most gain saying president in the world?
by creakyknees
, 24 May 18:15
7 replies |
24 May 18:28
by creakyknees
LLB's Last Day of Work Shabs and Bants Thread
by LordLuciusBanter
, 24 May 11:50
59 replies |
24 May 17:49
by Parsefone
FAO: DiS Mods
by LordLuciusBanter
, 23 Nov 15:39
138 replies |
24 May 17:47
by creakyknees