FAO: DiS Mods
This place has gone to the absolute dogs. I want out and request to be banned.
When I started posting back in the ethers of time, it was a bastion of wit, like a fin de siecle Parisian coffe house. Like artists drunk on such much absinthe we reached new heights of banter, like MTFU and Geoff the boring Policeman. It felt like a creative home.
Now it has all the ambiance of a Yates on a Saturday night in some mickey mouse provincial bog like Manchester, filled to the brim with women of loose moral virture and men vommiting their own inadequacies down themselves like so much blue VK ice.
I've had enough and this is to serve as my adieu (that's French, phillistines).
Not that I will be mourned. People have ever increasingly been a dick to me. Well, boy oh fucking boy will you learn the errors of your ways.
I mean here, I am, the master of the anecdote and what do I get? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. None of you appreciate me, WHAT-SO-FUCKING-EVER.
I mean just LOOK at my body of work. JUST FUCKING LOOK AT IT! I'm magnificent.Yet my posts are met with ever dimishing interest. Just today, I reposted my Statistics story and it received a meagre 8 thises. EIGHT! The original posting received a colosall 37. Proof is in the pudding.
I tell you all I story about how much a winner my mate is, and you all have a fucking cry. I pour my heart about with a traumatic story about having pus pour out of me and you seem to think this is funny?! You're all bullys and I won't stand for it any longer.
I'm tired of being the butt of people's jokes. I'm done. Out. Finished. The end my lack of friends.
I've PMed joeymahone with an electronic will and a list of my best posts to be preserved for posterity.
I also bequeath moral ownership of the ^this thread and custody of my three joke accounts: AilingSirAlex, TheMansDaddy and marckee to TheWza. I'm sure he'll see them right.
I'll maybe see a few people around. Everyone else can have this on their conscience and think about what they've done. I'm a good guy but you bastards have pushed me to it.
This isn't a joke. Goodbye, it's been fun