Last Post
So, the new Sunset Rubdown album
by citizenmeh
, 21 May 21:29
5 replies |
21 May 21:57
by citizenmeh
Stab & Dagger (Glasgow centric)
by burninginstructer
, 21 May 19:21
8 replies |
21 May 21:56
I just bought 5 albums for £30 from HMV
by GalacticStar3ruption
, 21 May 15:14
10 replies |
21 May 21:17
by -dan-
Quick! I have 5 and a half hours to download an album
by mr_maroon
, 21 May 19:30
4 replies |
21 May 20:40
by mr_maroon
spotify playlist of songs associated with science
by pylon
, 21 May 17:58
3 replies |
21 May 19:27
by pylon
Does joining the Association of Indepedent Music have
by M-I-E
, 21 May 18:51
0 replies |
21 May 18:51
Is the NME getting a bit better recently?
by vamos
, 21 May 17:44
7 replies |
21 May 18:08
by julian_in_public
Latitude question
by roastthemonaspit
, 21 May 16:23
14 replies |
21 May 17:45
How to Tour on a Budget May 09 :by To The Bones
by Iggypoppage
, 21 May 17:45
0 replies |
21 May 17:45
Pains of being pure at heart last night in Sleazys.
by Lo-Pan
, 21 May 10:36
4 replies |
21 May 17:24
by simon_t
by malick
, 20 May 20:08
5 replies |
21 May 17:09
by DJAlbertFreeman
Why? in london
by Dirtbomb
, 21 May 16:22
1 reply |
21 May 16:29
by sonofhal
The re-issues of the first 4 Bad Seeds records
by RockNRollMassacre
, 21 May 15:52
4 replies |
21 May 16:11
by Bookshelf
Has anyone ever been to Crossing Borders festival?
by Siberguy
, 21 May 16:04
0 replies |
21 May 16:04
It's a Shame About Dre
by Jesus_Quintana
, 21 May 02:33
1 reply |
21 May 15:38
Membran anyone? Lastfm seems the only place...
by Axis
, 19 May 19:09
2 replies |
21 May 15:13
by Axis
Anyone want a "bangin'" remix of Daft
Punk's 'Technologic' to put on their blog?
by Body_In_The_Thames
, 19 May 10:28
15 replies |
21 May 15:11
by Axis
DeadMau5 - I remember
by wrightylew
, 20 May 18:01
8 replies |
21 May 15:07
by Axis
Dot To Dot THIS WEEKEND//Schedules Online now
by _DHP_
, 21 May 14:13
1 reply |
21 May 15:03
by chuckbarris
new Deerhunter EP
by PolakJohn
, 22 Apr 13:17
2 replies |
21 May 15:01
by craddington_bear
Ariel Pink last night
by less_than_zero
, 21 May 13:36
9 replies |
21 May 14:49
by boa_constrictor
Baked Goods?
by titan_grip
, 21 May 14:23
2 replies |
21 May 14:38
by titan_grip
So I just put on Merriweather Post Pavilion again.
by Ozymandias
, 21 May 02:21
7 replies |
21 May 14:23
I'm interviewing Mika Miko tonight
by David_R
, 21 May 14:22
0 replies |
21 May 14:22
are cds overpriced?
by soapy
, 21 May 00:09
20 replies |
21 May 13:47
by lyle
The annual "Who'll Be The Next In Line" ATP
Curator thread.
by lemonbrickcombo
, 18 May 22:12
228 replies |
21 May 13:22
by Thought_Dreams
New Moshi NIghts At The Garage Begin July 10th
by hannahmoshi
, 21 May 13:21
0 replies |
21 May 13:21
Are there any prevailing trends in music at the moment?
by beautiful_balloon
, 18 May 22:54
35 replies |
21 May 13:03
by cyberdemon
Liverpool Sound City
by leyrbpw
, 20 May 11:46
15 replies |
21 May 12:59
by leyrbpw
final fantasy in manchester
by scottoneill
, 21 May 03:26
1 reply |
21 May 12:40
by scottoneill
drones tonight stage times
by Jamie_Summers
, 21 May 12:21
0 replies |
21 May 12:21
by RockNRollMassacre
, 21 May 02:10
3 replies |
21 May 12:16
if i like this music, what else would i like?
by ronslunchbox
, 20 May 23:02
7 replies |
21 May 12:13
by hungover
Deerhunter @ The Deaf Institute
by sebblet
, 20 May 18:44
14 replies |
21 May 12:01
by sebblet
"Curry Quiche are the new funky and diverse sound to
come from the streets of Rotherham. Give us a listen and se
what ya think!"
by John_Brainlove
, 06 May 20:04
10 replies |
21 May 11:55
by eschaton
New Blur Best of
by fiddygent
, 20 May 14:18
53 replies |
21 May 11:55
by Chunky_Lover
Knowing a record is amazing but not being able to get into
it (or vice versa)
, 21 May 10:04
7 replies |
21 May 11:41
by haribo7989
Did we mention Grizzly Bear are guest-editing DiS next week?
by sean
, 21 May 11:38
0 replies |
21 May 11:38
The new Deerhunter EP is up on Spotify
by haribo7989
, 21 May 09:14
7 replies |
21 May 11:30
by idle65
I've got the new Sunn O))) record in front of me but I
can't listen to it because I'm at work
by sunbakedsnowcave
, 19 May 09:34
52 replies |
21 May 11:27
by mug_mug_mug