Is the NME getting a bit better recently?
I bought it yesterday for the first time in YEEAAAAARRRRRSSSS for the interviews with AMonkeys (I really like them) & FOTL. And it wasn't too bad. A bit throwaway and cheap, but then every generation has thought that about the current iteration when compared to their own.
Some of the coverage is a bit lightweight, but I feel that this is just a result of the web and peoples ability to download and listen to music faster than reading a lengthy paragraph about it. And over on the NME blog they're covering some pretty decent things:
Horrors & the Manics cover versions, Micachu, FOTL, The Field, MSTRKRFT, ATP, Laurent Garnier, !!!...
I'm not saying it's great or likely to cover all the niches bands that most of use prefer, but at least some half decent acts are getting a look in again.
Yeah? Or is this the bit where you all tell me I'm being a dick?