Ariel Pink last night
Who went? Who managed to see the end of the set?
Started off with some cunts throwing eggs at the queue whilst we were waiting till after 8 to get in when eticket said 7:30.
First band on are the Holloys...they come out in matching army style green shirts. They have two drummers...a drum machine kicks in, drum overkill already. They start playing punk funk for way too long. How do UTR pick their support bands? They insist on having utter crap for the first support of a lot of their gigs. By the end of their set i think about bludgeoning that guitarist with the guitar he is playing by his chest.
Prurient + Cold Cave. They soundcheck before they start. Dominic Fernow makes a noise and nods to himself approvingly. He looks so smug throughout. They sound like 'Pornography' era The Cure but noisier. They also sound like Orgy as my brother pointed out to me ( ). It's not bad though...i quite like 'Pornography'...would have rather a Prurient solo set....he does his bit at the end whilst Cold Cave just put their heads down and make a drone.
Ariel Pink was meant to come on at 10:15. They come on at 11 so i accept the fact that i can not see the whole set. The 45 minutes I caught were good. Was alwys going to be quite fun although i was a bit restless about the fact that it is always the same with UTR and they don't seem to realise that people have got to travel home by public transport and Kilburn isn't exactly a transport hub.
I leave at 11:45, a couple of songs before the end and miss a 3 song encore. Get home at about 1:40 or so.
Anyone go?