Festive 50 2009 - if Peel was alive today...
So, c'mon then, as people who did or would be listening to his show, if John Peel was alive today, what do you think would be on his annual playlist?
Here's some previous playlists to whet your appetite
Not sure what I'm on about, wiki it:
"The Festive Fifty was originally an annual list of the year's fifty (though the exact figure varied above and below this number) best songs compiled at the end of the year and voted for by listeners to John Peel's BBC Radio 1 show. It was usually dominated by indie and rock songs which did not fully represent the diversity of music played by Peel but rather the majority opinion among his listeners. After Peel's death the tradition of the Festive Fifty was continued, first by other Radio 1 DJs and then (when Radio 1 decided to discontinue it) by the Internet radio station Dandelion Radio."