Venus Mischiefs
Venus Mischiefs are :
From their Myspace :
'I could write this and fill it with anecdotes and name dropping, but frankly it’s the skim I’d prefer to discard. One day I woke up and decided to throw away my collection of old flyers from gigs we’d played and try to discard from mind, old stories as well. The days of living the present retrospectively was over. This year we took the decision to move in together to have more time playing as a band. May be you’re interested in where we live, let me just say it’s the area of London once called the ‘arse end of town’ and the only place we could afford. We don’t want to give the impression of being bohemian and we don’t want to romanticize poverty, because we work mindless degrading jobs and have no shame in wanting to escape. Playing in a band in London is no escape, but it does satisfy a part of us that wasn’t happy with merely turning on a stereo. The four of us at one point in our lives decided to play music and not just listen to it and that’s put us on course (in a leaky ship) for the tiny, difficult to reach island of ‘making a living from playing.’