Ugly Duckling
Ugly Duckling is a hip hop group that formed in 1993 in Long Beach, California. Ugly Duckling's members include Dizzy Dustin (Dustin McFarland), Young Einstein (Rodney Pleasant Jr) and Andy Cooper. The group's style is alternative hip hop, influenced especially by old school performers such as the Native Tongues. Most of their songs follow the creed that hip hop is about having fun and often mock the clichéd gangsta emcees who dominate the mainstream. An example of this can be heard in the song "A Little Samba" and in "Smack," in which they rhyme about the enormous wealth about which mainstream emcees brag, and the ridiculous nature of their possessions, such as gold name plates on their cars, pet sharks, and jetting off to Bermuda on private planes. Andy Cooper professes himself to be a follower of Christ and a Christian, as does Young Einstein on his Facebook page. The band's songs often incorporating Christian themes such as love, forgiveness and rejection of worldly values. Some songs include lyrics pertaining to the biblical End Times. Both Young Einstein and Dizzy Dustin have Facebook pages where fans are encouraged to keep up-to-date with the band's antics, tours and music releases. Young Einstein daily posts inspirational phrases he collects from the internet onto his Facebook page for people to read and comment on.