Bo Pepper are:
Singer - vox, guitar, microkorg, neuroses
Nick Cartwheel - guitar/ backup
Will E. Nailor - bass/ backup vox
Jonny Dangerous - drums/ backup
They are quite lazy but when they make music it is good. Their influences are The Yeah Yeah Yeahs and The Strokes and knitted folk. They've been playing some dirty mean dives in West Hollywood, CA but are back in London, clean and fresh pressed and ready to assault them airwaves.
Bo Pepper's video for their astonishingly better than good song, "Buses" is currently on rotation at MTV FLUX. They are also on Coke/Itunes podcast and XFM DJ Eddie-Temple Morris has handpicked them for the Coke/Itunes unsigned bands album which will be out some time in March 2007. 2007 will be the year that Bo Pepper make it massive. That's how they roll...