Mixtape Monday: 10 Songs That influenced Mogwai by Stuart Braithwaite
Kicking off our takeover week from the gentleman from Mogwai is this 10 songs that influenced Mogwai mixtape by Stuart Braithwaite...»
stuart-braithwaite has written the following articles:
Kicking off our takeover week from the gentleman from Mogwai is this 10 songs that influenced Mogwai mixtape by Stuart Braithwaite...»
To get a musicians point of view of things, we asked Stuart Braithwaite from Mogwai, what he thinks to the current state of music journalism.»
Best known for their critiques of popular rock bands, either via their own website or in interviews with other magazines, Mogwai have something of a reputation. DiS turns the tables, asking Stuart Braithwaite to write about something he thinks is positive, namely Radiohead's In Rainbows»