"Manchester, dance capital of England..." Don't blame me, blame Tony Wilson, he said it first. Thing is though, 25 years on, it seems the Mancs are still out in front when it comes to creating a furore on the dancefloor.
'Pride Before The Fall' nods its head in several directions, not least towards the likes of Giorgio Moroder, New Order and Radio 4, whilst still retaining a charm and individuality that screams MAN-CHES-TAHHHH!!!! from the highest skyscraper in Gorton. Which is on the right track geographically as The KBC hail from the dank northern town of Preston.
'Poisonous Emblem', meanwhile, you'll be familiar with if you've heard the Power Overload compilation album that High Voltage released last year, as it's the one that regales itself in stories about packets of herbal tea but should really come with a sticker on the side saying "Dance... Like A Bastard!"
The sunshine is clearly burning brightly in the Mancunian underground. Report ends...
8Dom Gourlay's Score