It's coming up to that time of year when it's probably best to avoid any music related television or radio shows, unless having Shaky, Bing and Gary Glitter rammed down your throat on the hour every hour makes your day.
Sticking to the traditional sentiments of yuletide, The International Karate Plus have penned a song with the word "Christmas" in the title, but as for festive cheer and merriment? Forget it.
Instead, in true Tom Waits meets Pavement down a dark alley style, 'Black Christmas' celebrates having the worst time ever at the most over-indulgent time of year over a backdrop of cursory feedback and toytown drums that makes you want to swap the port and mince pies for a glass of Pimms and a bowl of strawberries. It's flipside 'Black'n'Bitter' continues in a similar vein, sliding down J Mascis' chimney with a copy of 'Wowee Zowee' tucked neatly up it's sleeve.
Buy this and banish any thoughts of having to endure Robbie, Westlife and Cliff Richard with this year's turkey and Christmas pudding.
7Dom Gourlay's Score