When you're fighting all desire to enter the letters 'R' 'E' and 'M' into a review, you're left with phrases like 'nice chord change', 'top choral bit' and 'sounds a bit like something off 'Life's Rich Pageant'... bugger, failed.
We know it's meant to be lazy journalism to compare Idlewild to REM these days, but frankly... OH MY GOD! HAVE YOU LISTENED TO THIS SONG? Sorry, but it's a frankly taking the piss. There were desperate attempts to wrestle something exciting and new from this single, but Idlewild have made it so hard. So hard.
Decent song n' all, but really...
If I was Roddy at the Athens school of REM, I'd get a bollocking for lack of originality big time...
6Steve LMAO's Score