Woooah! What’s happened here? People actually know who ’A’ are nowadays, they’re playing the kinda venues they used to be first on in and from big toofy grins come the words. Some of them in the band have kidz of their own now and the strangest thing is, Jason Perry’s become a (somewhat squeaky) centre-leftie political spokesmen…
"Don’t want yer job in starbucks.. come on, you can have your own way, come on, you can have your own say..." is the chorus which you’ll hear all over the radio. This is all summery, the way we know and love ‘A’. I just hope the surf-dudes-wid-attitude-kinda-grooovy generation get the subtle message slipped in here. The message that everything's not what it seems, and that, yeah, we all have to work our arses off to eat, drink and pay the bills but that the man, he not always your friend. There’s summat about stepping over the ignorance and being punk; empower yerselfs, free yer minds 'nd the rest will follow, obviously...
But fuh-dat! This song is chirpy, pogo-friendly and more than enough to proove the uk rockscene - even with bleached hair'n'sun-visors - can out do americana any-mo-funkin-day! Come on!
9Sean Adams's Score