was however, to their merit or not, a completely random RHCP-esque slap bass solo shoved in the middle. You would be quite right to be left wondering, “Where in the blue hell did that come from?!?” Oh dear.
Why is it that some songs just seem to go on forever? This can be such a good thing sometimes…and then the wrong song does it and it just ruins your entire evening. *Thirst *are reminding me of a very untalented version of Feeder. B-side ’44:you’ has a slightly elevated chorus that does distinguish it from the rest of the bland, insipid drone that they have decided to call a song. I saw the word ‘(live)’ after the other b-side and was eager in anticipation. It wasn’t really as good as I had been hoping.
The single did clock in at under a quarter of an hour, though, so I wasn’t subjected to the wonders of *Thirst *for too long. And neither should you be.
1Raziq Rauf's Score