Well, this is very nice. Not amazing but… nice. I haven’t seen a photo of the band but suspect more than one of them has a beard.
‘Word Fail Me Now’ has a plinky plonky intro with Matt Jones’ fragile voice fitting it perfectly, along the lines of Grandaddy’s more tender moments (but not as good. Obviously). The song has an uplifting chorus but there’s still something missing, something I can’t quite put my finger on. It’s just one of those songs you hear and think “I quite like that” but it’s not going to blow you away, not going to change your life, not going to stop you in your tracks. And it’s two minutes longer than it needs to be.
It’s flawed, it has soul, yet it could’ve done with being really belted out, and only then would that have made it into a classic debut single. For now, we’ll file under “promising” and look forward to future releases.
6[redacted]'s Score