Many members of The Buzz used to be in the sadly-departed Bugeye*, whose spiky and streetwise riot-grrl punk stylings made me very, very happy indeed. So receiving this two-track demo in the post inspired an uncomfortable mixture of joy and fear - if it was as stunning as Bugeye's work it would clearly be one of the best things to happen all year, but if it were a disappointment it would make me want to cry.
So you can possibly imagine my relief at the discovery that it kicks ass. This is one of those demos which inspires a face-splitting grin and a determination to see the band live Right Now, if not sooner. The Buzz channel a misfit's sharp rage and hurt bewilderment into music which, while thoroughly punk rock, also features massive, massive pop hooks; hooks of the kind that stick in your head for days, bouncing round your brain and putting rhythm in your step during the dull journey to work. The distinctive tuneful bite of Angela's vocals mixes + dizzying, spiralling, urgent guitar riffs + the punctuating thrash of the drums = intelligent, idiosyncratic and evocative music which taps right into the place where the brain and nervous system meet and demands that you dance, now, this instant, and that you do so with a fierce grin on your face. Excellent, excellent noise.
*There's also an ex-member of Malowski, who I missed out on and therefore don't feel qualified to comment on. But if you loved 'em: one of 'em's back!