Five years ago Morello *would’ve been huge. With a huge sound that harks back to the chunky ballast of fellow Irishmen *Kerbdog *it’s a style that is so then yet could be so now if the faux-angst pain-peddling drivel of MTV's post-grunge bandwagoneers, and whatever other strapping young boi-band willing to dilute the passion in melodic rock hadn’t turned what was Kerbdog and *Alice In Chains *into a turgid quagmire of *Nickleback and Staind. In fact, to prove my point I couldn’t even play Kerbdog’s late ‘90s _‘On The Turn’ _classic in my car without a bunch of American passengers mocking their viciously catchy tunes with the duplicitous whines of those aforementioned sonic terrorists. Damn them to hell, I say!
As such Morello seem likely to suffer the same fate before they’ve even started. Their tunes are rooted in such high-energy post-grunge melodicism, with perhaps a little post-emo-core metal to spice things up, yet will probably be brushed into the cramped angst-core bracket by most. But then, to the others it won’t matter. These are raging, hook-filled songs that, minus the snearing vocals, could very well turn them into something more credible.
6Mat Hocking's Score