Three tracks, one mission: to open your blinded eyes to what emo’s really about, or rather, what it was intended to be. Chariots *want to re-educate you; they want to force your NME-approved _‘extremo’_ – whatever the fuck that means – right back down the journalists’ throats until they’re shitting flopping fringes. Think raw, *Orchid-meets-Drive Like Jehu buzzsaw guitars and PMFS-style banshee shrieks – the spilling of guts, lyrically, about whatever’s really _bugging vocalist xEmilex (check the straight-edge name, kids) at the time. Opener _‘This Never Was Xanadu’ has more twists and turns in its four minutes or so than an entire Funeral For A Friend record, and although the quality of this recording is poor – it was done on a four-track, and quickly by the sound of things – the promise easily outshines the lack of polish. Give these guys a stage and they’ll preach your mind clean. Give them some decent studio time and a risk-taking label, and who knows what else they could do? Emotions are meant to hurt, not just look pretty in the pages of a magazine, and Chariots are here to prove it.
8Mike Diver's Score