They’ve been together 18 months but only just recorded their first demo. Cor, it’s a good one. The recording isn’t great (drums very high in the mix for example, but then the drummer used to be in the rather ace San Quentin, so we’ll let them off for this). It captures a very live sound, with so much energy to it. My immediate thought was “mmm, this is rather emo”, but emo is such a shit word so let’s forget that thought ever crossed my mind and let’s never speak of the word again.
Karva are just a great ROCK band, if the two tracks here are to be going on with. In fact, fuck what I said about it not being a good recording – it sounds like it captures the band as they are, which is just what you want. No fucking around in the studio trying to get the snare sounding ‘just right’ or any tweaks on the vocals (the singers have really good gutsy voices which make you sit up and listen).
The more I listen to this, the better it gets.
So what’s going on here then? They’re from Croydon. There’s a whole new UK rock scene bubbling under in 2003. Things are starting to get very exciting indeed. Luverleee.
9[redacted]'s Score