Occasionally you will get bands who genuinely push back the boundaries of rawwwk music. This will happen once in a blue moon. During the time the moon is not blue (eg. when it’s yellow, as it’s made of cheese), you will always be sure of some punkpop band coming along and ruin the fun.
So sometimes you will get a band who think they are god’s gift to pop music when in actual fact they are playing rehashed chord sequences and adding absolutely none of their own personality into the mix. Warning bells went off when I heard the CD, the warning bells got louder reading the biog.
One of this Bury St Edmunds-based band has a “degree in Pop Music” (from a college and everything). One of them was in a band with Nickelback’s ex-drummer. They say they are out to dismantle the “Pop Idol machine”.
It’s not that Nice Guy Dave are shit. Obviously they can appreciate a good pop tune, but unfortunately they appreciate other people’s pop tunes and seem incapable of writing many of their own. The demo itself is fairly diverse. They’ll sound like your typical SoCal rubbish one minute, descend into quirky Britpop the next and add a wanky guitar solo on top just for good measure. The last track is overlong and too clever-clever.
I just found the whole experience a little irritating.
Email: info@niceguydave.co.uk
4[redacted]'s Score