Coming across like what Grade would sound like if they'd been born in Birmingham, Intention make one hell of a noise! Backed by the brutal riffing of guitarists Mothy and Dave, the thumping bass lines of bassist Gaz and the pounding beats of drummer Dave, vocalist Ian's high pitched screams round off the sound nicely. They could never hope to capture the humour and intensity of their live shows but this CD has finally done the band justice. The CD has 4 new songs which, while all being awesome slices of slam-inducing hardcore, also show off the diversity of the band. "Every Home Should Have One" displays some ska influences, while "Heaven's Gate" and "Hit 'em Where It Hurts" have moments for the more feint-hearted listener! This CD is a fine testament of Intention's ability and they can stand tall as the leading light in West Midlands Hardcore. If you like punk or hardcore, go out, buy this and see Intention live. You won't regret it and the scene needs you! Now, if there was only some way to put Ian's anti-capitalist and ultimately random rants on CD, then we'd be getting somewhere...