Remember, kids: infatuation isn't so many letters away from infuriation, which, in turn, is but a few twists of the lexical knife broadside of indifference. Early listens to Modey Lemon's latest bring plenty o' thrills and chills: the schlock-horror garage stomp of 'Bucket Of Butterflies' attacks the brain like Burning Brides riding an express train up your spine and into your cerebellum's innermost crevices, and the creepily throbbing 'In Another Land' - a mostly spoken-word recount of a time travelling adventure gone awry - is absolutely fantastic. But the tingles fade and the impact dulls with the passing of each track.
Remember, kids: a few flaws does not a poor album make. In fact, Modey Lemon don't make any as such; it's just that when you've A Frames' new record (Black Forest) and The Apes' fantastic return to form Baba's Mountain, out already, The Curious City sounds slightly superfluous. Good record then, and one that is utterly mesmirising for a couple of listens, but one that ultimately can't quite punch above the weight of the prettiest prizefighters.
7Mike Diver's Score