This album has been three years in the making and has been well worth the wait. _Open Heart Zoo is an insight into, not only Martin Grech's mind, but the very depths of his soul; and as debut albums go I don't think they come much better than this.
The album begins with the ambitious 'Here It Comes'. "Look at me, I'm your reflection..." sings Grech over the top of twisted guitars. The tune stops and starts before morphing into pounding thrash-metal. The title track, _'Open Heart Zoo' is a heart-felt and haunting tune; Grech's voice is at its most fervent, with every line sounding as though it is scraping at the back of his soul. Martin says that 'Open Heart Zoo' is about the general feeling that when you are being completely honest on an album, you are putting yourself on display. He has clearly done this with songs like 'Only One listening' and 'Tonight' where he completely exposes himself with soft, innocent vocals and brutally honest lyrics.
Dark futuristic rock meets with epic beauty. Every song is contrasting to the one before it; all involuting and intense. From the uplifting guitars in 'Push' to the more down-beat piano in 'Catch Up' this album displays talent and maturity that you would not expect from just one person, let alone someone so young. This album is truly stunning and majestic.
9Stephanie Mills's Score