Nada Surf
You Know Who You Are
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- Artists:
- Nada Surf »
- Label:
- City Slang »
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- Artists:
- Nada Surf »
- Label:
- City Slang »
Staff Reviews

Nada Surf - You Know Who You Are
there are many pleasures in finding the band exactly as you remember them»
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Having recorded five albums in 10 years and toured extensively in support of all of them, Nada Surf opted to follow 2012's cracking 'The Stars Are Indifferent To Astronomy' with a brief but well-earned hiatus. So in January 2015, when Caws informed Nada Surf's vociferous Facebook following that a new record was just about done, the news was greeted with explosive enthusiasm. The music was in the can, he announced, and all that remained was to finish up a few lyrics and sing a few vocals; something he planned to do on off-days off during an upcoming solo acoustic tour. Caws even included a photo of the recording set-up he was bringing in the car. "I was so eager to have an album done that I believed in it as it was," Caws recalls. "But the great thing about being 'finished' is that you can take a breath and evaluate, because the pressure to 'do it' is gone. The more I listened and thought about it, the more I realized that I might want to keep working." Caws continues. "There were already a bunch of songs in the can that we all liked, so I could think more expansively about what the album could be." And lo and behold, what would have been another really good Nada Surf album (their seventh since getting signed to a major in the go-go 90's and scoring a worldwide alterna-hit with 'Popular') became what could well be the most representative collection of the group's two-decade career, all while pushing towards whatever comes next. While the band has always had a surplus of horsepower for velocity rockers and an astounding level of confidence live, they've been gaining the discipline and finesses to change gears, more so with each release. Captured in the album's 10 tracks is every beloved facet of the band, but 'You Know Who You Are' also finds much on offer that stands apart from anything previously heard in the band's diverse catalogue. "Sometimes it feels like, to our audience at least, we are two or three different bands at once," Caws concludes. "It seems some people are looking to feel better, for encouragement getting over their obstacles, for help figuring life out... not that I've done that myself, other people are looking for love songs, and then some others just want to rock."
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