Staff Reviews

Lo-Fang - Blue Film
Despite the considerable technical talents of its creator, Blue Film could be by just about anyone.»
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Lo-Fang is the musical moniker of vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Matthew Hemerlein. His classical training in violin, cello, bass piano and guitar bring complexity and depth to an electro-pop, R&B influenced sound. Hemerlein's lyrics are matched by the strength of his falsetto voice and folk inspired harmonies. Buzzbands LA said of Lo-Fang's sound, "Can music be intimate and expansive at the same time? Washington, D.C., ex-pat Matthew Hemerlein, now doing business as Lo-Fang, seems to have arrived at the formula." 'Blue Film' was written and recorded in a farmhouse in Maryland, hotels and studios in Cambodia, London, Nashville, and completed in the legendary Capitol Studios in Los Angeles. Hemerlein collaborated with Grammy Award winning producer Francois Tetaz (Gotye), who he calls a 'mirror' that illuminated and reflected his work throughout the process.
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