Martin Creed
Love to You
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- Artists:
- Martin Creed »
- Label:
- Moshi Moshi Music »
Release Date:
- Artists:
- Martin Creed »
- Label:
- Moshi Moshi Music »
Staff Reviews

Martin Creed - Love to You
Martin Creed’s unfettered approach of ignoring the standard constraints one would normally ascribe to rock music has also led to something sufficiently different to be of note, and sufficiently well-executed to be worthwhile.»
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turner prize winner martin creed writes direct, compelling songs with the ability to both perturb and amuse. think... the rhythmic punk of ian dury and the wit and pop nous of glasgow's postcard records. 'love to you' - his debut album, is a collection of 18 love and hate songs. not only is martin creed a turner prize-winning artist of some renown but with 'love to you' has recorded one of this year's most irresistible albums. it has a total running time of less than 40 minutes and not a second is wasted. from the spitting vitriol of fuck off to the heartfelt title track 'love to you', this is an album of short, sharp, funny yet touching songs delivered by martin creed and his band. for martin creed there is no difference between making music and making art. he is perhaps best known for his work no.227 'the lights going on and off' and work no. 850 in which runners ran through the tate gallery, and like his art, his music
may be disarmingly simple but it makes an immediate impact. work no. 1197 'all the bells in the country rung as quickly and as loudly as possible for three minutes' has been commissioned to herald the start of the london olympics on 27 july 2012.
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