The Ting Tings - Sounds From Nowheresville
NB. My prior 10/10 was an omission of drop-down list tickery. Repaired here for the record.
Berlin. There are few other places which have such a resonant, mytical reputation in the fields of music. In keeping with its past, it's a place where artists, often embattled or frustrated through creative ennui or self-abuse bunker down to rediscover ther true musical create something new, fresh, real. Lou Reed named a whole album after it for god's sake.
But there's always that thing about mytical places. Bit like if you go to Macchu Pichu and find it full of fat tourists, or that Mount Everest is covered with the detritus of a thousand corporate climbing exhbitions. (No, i have been to neither, but that's what people say innit). My suspicions started to be aroused when U2 went to Berlin, to do that low-key art thing that they do so well *makes sarcastic face*.
So 'twas with some scepticism that i read of the Ting-Ting's 'journey' to Berlin to, in the words of Ting-drummer/rapper Jules de Martino 'find a reason to create art'. Hm. There are enough difficulties with someone describing their music as art in any circumstances, even one which demonstrably fits this criterion. There's just something a bit, well, wanky about it isn't there.
It does also rather suggest - in fact baldly states - that they had nada in terms of inspiration. They needed a reason write songs. What's wrong with the fact that it's an awesome job and pays really well. Ok, yes, art. But then you did say Jules that 'we're just happy in our little bubble, making songs'. Which way do you want it man? frustrated artist, or jolly pop-smith?
This is all, however, moot. Why? Because they didn't stay in Berlin. They went to Spain instead. I, and you, could insert any number of gags, puns, snides and quips here, so i'll just leave that to your own imagination. Answers on a postcard.
Right, so the songs. Well the thing is that everyone loves a good bit of drumming don't they, it definitely gets you up to like 40% no probs. Add a little riff and you're at like 60%! This is easy. Are we adding anything else? No? really? Katie White's favourite song is Guggenheim, but it's not finished is it? I'm with you on the first 60%, but where's the rest?
'If we weren't...going through this pain barrier, there'd be nothing left' our man Jules tells us. I'm not so sure there was that much to start with.