Pulled Apart By Horses
Tough Love
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- Artists:
- Pulled Apart By Horses »
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- Transgressive »
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- Artists:
- Pulled Apart By Horses »
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- Transgressive »
Staff Reviews

Pulled Apart By Horses - Tough Love
Tough Love is an addictive beast; 11 brutal songs that you could work your way through on the most meagre of lunch breaks.»
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pulled apart by horses are the british rock band worth getting wood for. their self-titled 2010 debut was a sonic maelstrom of hard disco riffage; here was heavy music that you could shake a tail feather to, pop music at its most corrupted. dance music played by wiry punk weirdo's.
essentially, the band's much-talked about live show captured on plastic, early singles such as 'back to the fuck yeah' and 'high five, swan dive, nose dive' somehow ended up being played repeatedly by radio 1, on whose playlists they gleefully sat like the mad tramp that's gate-crashed the toff's tea party. fuck yeah indeed! but things move fast. pulled apart by horses have already moved way beyond those early days. the leeds quartet have put meat on the brittle musical bones of their debut and with second album 'tough love' created a monster. it's a much more muscular creature than its kid brother, one that could go toe-to-toe with titans like ac/dc, nirvana or queens of the stone age and still come out looking pretty after twelve rounds. at the production helm was gil norton, who has previously shaped sound for the likes of the pixies and foo fighters. gil located to leeds to help the band deconstruct and re-build their new batch of music. without tinkering too much with the alchemy, he has helped fashion a swaggering collection. fierce, sexy, galvanised. - this mutha's about to blow.
description from www.roughtrade.com