Wise Blood
These Wings
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- Artists:
- Wise Blood »
- Label:
- Loose Lips »
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- Artists:
- Wise Blood »
- Label:
- Loose Lips »
Staff Reviews

Wise Blood - These Wings
Wise Blood's These Wings EP is a dark, clever off-piste pop collection fused with bleeps, beats and despair»
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loose lips records is proud to announce a new artist to their roster, pittsburgh's broken pop lothario wise blood aka chris laufman. lead single 'i'm losing my mind' perhaps best represents the theme stretching across these wings' seven tracks and laufman's twelve-plus months as an undertaker. the despair in the song is palpable and laufman seems six-feet-deep until the optimism of lessons learned leaks through in the form of his melodic offerings. elsewhere on the ep, 'loud mouths' saunters across a haunted piano and crackling snares as wise blood sings about 'snakes in disguise' and his samples turn into church. much of wise blood's music, both on his debut ep, +, and on 'these wings', is built upon samples, like a beach house song drenched in heavy bass.
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