Staff Reviews

She Keeps Bees - Dig On
Dig On is paradoxical proof that although She Keep Bees can occasionally excel within a blues-rock straitjacket, they are a more intriguing proposition when exploring potential new musical avenues. »
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names records release the incredible new album from she keeps bees. brooklyn based duo jess larrabee and andy laplant self-recorded the album during november 2010 in a log home set in new york's catskill mountains. surrounded by trees, stars and silence, jessica and andy captured the sounds of a full band - drums, guitars, synths, shakers and friends. no longer having to fight for attention above the siren wails and radiator hiss of a new york city apartment, the music was allowed room to breathe. this entire album was made with the intention of metabolizing poison into medicine. the process of ridding the old, outdated, uninspired, weak, manipulated, tyrannical, destructive energy to make room for higher vibrations - to liberate and encourage dynamism, magnetism, replenish and to nurture the anti-hypnotic - to reveal and honour fierce beauty.
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