The Memory Band
Oh My Days
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- Artists:
- The Memory Band »
- Label:
- Hungry Hill »
Release Date:
- Artists:
- The Memory Band »
- Label:
- Hungry Hill »
Staff Reviews

The Memory Band - Oh My Days
Listening to Oh My Days is, in many ways, a frustrating experience. »
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closethird album from the memory band following the 'apron strings' album released by peacefrog in 2006. 'oh my days' is a warmly-textured, delicately-balanced blend of the best elements from its predecessors. low-key electronic pulses and loops purr away gently beneath material that radiates a quiet strength, having expanded its palette to embrace soul, gospel, laurel canyon rock and country blues alongside the folk and jazz elements of the earlier albums. it's a beautifully-poised piece of work, with the usual handful of inspired covers - sandy denny's 'by the time it gets dark', graham bond's 'love is the law' and jeff alexander's 'come wander with me' (from the tv series the twilight zone) - nestling amongst ten originals, several of which are already live favourites.
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