Staff Reviews

Leo Zero - Disconnect
Contains no notable cynicism or obscurity for obscurity’s sake, and springs from the probably reinforced racks of a geezer who knows his onions.»
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rough trade exclusive with a bonus cd of unmixed full versions of selected tracks from the mix cd. strut launch a new series called disconnect, which encourages djs to dig deep into their record stash and serve up some of their favorite rare tracks and personal favorites from the darker side of their collection. maybe get in to some records that they love, but don't get to play out all that often. we can't think of a better way to launch the series than with leo zero's amazing mix. covering everything from disco to kraut rock to afro - punk, it's an amazingly cohesive and dance-able mix considering how much ground it covers. it features basement 5, essential logic, chris and cosey, can, brian eno and john cale, ritual, the piranhas and more.