Venetian Snares
My So-Called Life
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- Artists:
- Venetian Snares »
- Label:
- Timesig »
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- Artists:
- Venetian Snares »
- Label:
- Timesig »
Staff Reviews

Venetian Snares - My So-Called Life
Despite his virtuosity and prolific creativity, Funk runs a minor risk of going stale sometime soon if he doesn't look for new modes of expression.»
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in the words of mr funk himself: 'my so-called life' is the first release on my brand new record label time signal. the majority of these tracks were made quite quickly, in a day or 2 each. these are the ones i feel closest to, i can listen to one of these 10 tracks and remember that day exactly, all that i was feeling, just where my head was at, whether it was a good memory, a laugh, something that was bugging me or something bumming me out. listening brings me back to that day, whereas hearing some of my other albums brings me back to some period in my life in general. i was explaining to a friend the other day, it was more like a collection of short stories than a novel for me. diary entries he said, and they really are, pockets of inspiration realized within a day. for me it is remote viewing my own memories with clearer and clearer mind binoculars. all important pieces in my puzzle, this kind of filing system i have that sits outside
my cognitive filing yet is clear in this system. of course all of this probably means nothing to you but you have to write something in these things so when you send out promos nobody has to think of anything thoughtful to say about it themselves. usually i write a bunch of preposterous
shit to poke fun at that whole process but i didn't feel like that today. maybe tomorrow i will.
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