Staff Reviews

Kelis - Flesh Tone
With Christina Aguilera recruiting various indie luminaries for her next album and Gaga releasing nine-minute long videos and strapping cigarettes to her face, this should be the perfect time for Kelis to snatch back a chunk of the limelight, to demonstrate to these whippersnappers how to rip pop apart and put it back together with just the right amount of crackpot ideas and outlandish presentation. Instead, Kelis has headed in the other direction and gone for some relatively straightforward mainstream glory at a time when 'straightforward' is looking like a creaky, outmoded concept in the pop world. »
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pop maverick kelis has dashed off in a sparkling new direction for her new record 'flesh tone.' whereas before she was at home in r&b and in da club, here she teams up with hot producers, free school, boys noize, burnz and others to produce a stonking, four to the floor electro disco record. always forward thinking with an ear for a hook, kelis rides again...
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