Staff Reviews

Weezer - Raditude
Raditude is in no way unique in Weezer’s recent career. When it’s good, it’s a surprise; when it’s bad, it’s incomprehensibly atrocious. But for the most part, it is dull, empty and devoid of sentiment, and that is its greatest crime. »
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weezer fans can generally be broken into two opposing camps: those that prefer the self-reflective emo-pop of the 'blue album' and 'pinkerton', and those who prefer the post-bowling for soup pop-punk of 'make believe' and the 'red album' (while the 'green album' and 'maladroit' are split between the camps). with a title like 'raditude', it's no secret which side will totally dig weezer's seventh album. 'raditude' finds weezer doing goofy tracks with goofy titles like '(if you are wondering if i want you to) i want you to,' 'i'm your daddy' and 'the girl got hot.' 'tired of sex' they ain't. 'raditude' was produced by jacknife lee (bloc party, the hives) and butch walker.
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