Staff Reviews

Morrissey - Swords
Post-comeback, Morrissey’s advancing years are always going to be a question. The collection is littered with quaint archaisms.»
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'swords' is a fantastic collection of b-sides, all hand picked by morrissey, available together on one album for the first time. it draws b-sides from many of the singles taken from 'you are the quarry', 'ringleader of the tormentors', 'greatest hits' and 'years of refusal'. although these tracks were originally released as b-sides, heard together and alongside each other on this album they sound superb as a collection in their own right. opening with the never played 'symphonies', the b-side to the top 3 hit 'irish blood english heart', the album is a wonderful journey through some of morrissey's lesser heard tracks recorded over the last 5 years.
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