The Brute Chorus
The Brute Chorus
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The Brute Chorus - The Brute Chorus
If isn't groundbreaking, The Brute Chorus is nonetheless a bravely conceived and well executed album, and one that reveals its charms further with each listen. »
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hand crafted, limited edition wooden sleeves with signed photos. the utterly intriguing brute chorus release their eponymous album - its a brilliant and inspired debut. mixing tales of greek mythology, love stories and bluesy charms it's full of off-kilter lyrics and foot stompingly good bass lines. the brute chorus are quiffed and moustachiod vicar's son james steel (vocals, guitar, harmonica and kazoo) cumbrian nick foots (vocals, guitar, keyboard and stuff) son of a morris man matthew day (vocals, drums and percussion) and essex born dave ferrett (vocals, bass). the band all live together in a flat in whitechapel. the album was recorded in one heartstopping take infront of 300 of their most loyal fans at the roundhouse's freedm studios. they begged, borrowed and stole equipment from the likes of rod stewart, lionel richie and then with shaky hands, sweaty brows and a quick swig of jd they were all set to record. 5 weeks before the due date they set about preparing. they inlisted producers victor van vugt (nick cave, pj harvey, gogol bordello and son's and daughters) and the mercury nominated choque hosein (black star liner, hood, lord auch). holed up in their rehearsal residency above a hackney pub, they practicied solidly to ensure the recording would be a success. after the gig victor promptly packed up and went back to new york where he mixed the recorded gig. 'the brute chorus' is a thoughtful and thoroughly unashamed letter to all that has shaped the band. love, religion, fables, mythical beasts and the odd greek tragedyn from the bass heavy drive of the opening track 'hercules' - to the dying drones of 'i'm gonna shake your treehouse down'. previous single 'all the pilgrims' - a twisted modern love story with references to religion and false idol worship to a girl who resembles joan of arc. 'the cuckoo and the stolen heart' is cash / carter duet for the 21st century. 'chew lips' tigs joins james on vocal duty for this ode to argument!
there's a mix of pop, circus burlesque and most noticeably rockabilly. this is a debut that you will not be able to stop tapping your feet to. with a nod and a reference to rock n roll, blues, gang of four style post punk and even a touch of nick cave thrown in for good measure it's one of the most impressive debuts of the year. it's a fairy tale, a fable and a hoe-down - with music itself as the love interest.
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