Staff Reviews

Om* - God is Good
There’s a sense; part fascination and part sadness, of hearing the old monolith OM crack and then crumble before your very ears. »
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with their new recording, om travel to places outside their usual parameters while still having a heavy, repetitive deeply philosophical sound. the band reach out further than they've gone before, implementing new instrumentation and truly showing off their musical range. surprise is guaranteed; new colours and new light, plodding along with the never-ending riffs for which they are famed. the album was recorded march 2009 by steve albini at electrical audio, chicago. om is the duo of al cisneros (bass /vocals) and emil amos (drums). al cisneros formed om in 2003 with drummer chris hakius, both founding members of the essential stoner-rock band of the 90s, sleep. hakius left the band in 2008, which makes the drag city release the first om studio album since emil has joined the group. there's no doubt that a duo of bass and drums is driven by rhythm, but om channel this minimal instrumentation into sublime energy by rigorous design.
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