Jay Reatard
Watch Me Fall
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- Artists:
- Jay Reatard »
- Label:
- Matador Records »
Release Date:
- Artists:
- Jay Reatard »
- Label:
- Matador Records »
Staff Reviews

Jay Reatard - Watch Me Fall
Who is this ‘Jay Reatard’? And what exactly is it that he wants? Okay, there are some literal answers to those questions available»
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for his second studio album and proper matador debut, memphis prolific punk wunderkind jay reatard has moved beyond his roots and recorded an album chockful of irresistible melodies, the songs cascading with joyous hooks. he would not be jay reatard, however, if there wasn't a certain aggro negativity, and the song titles and lyrics do much to undercut the pop sensibility: 'i'm watching you', 'hang them all', 'can't do it anymore', 'wounded' and 'it ain't gonna save me'.
the perfect summer album for disaffected youth across the country.
description from www.roughtrade.com