Passion Pit
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- Artists:
- Passion Pit »
- Label:
- Columbia Records »
Release Date:
- Artists:
- Passion Pit »
- Label:
- Columbia Records »
Staff Reviews

Passion Pit - Manners
Manners - an album for the end of a decade nobody really notices is ending, college rock and electro pop synthesised into one likable bundle.»
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passion pit are the latest band to rise on the back of a rare cd-r from blog curio to potential magazine covers with albums out on a major label. the boston band formed as a way for lead singer michael angelakos to finish an ep he was writing for his girlfriend for valentine's day, and that mini album eventually got picked up and released by frenchkiss. the ep, 'chunk of change', led to passion pit signing with columbia, and an expanded studio budget for 'manners', their full-length debut. redemption. over the course of eleven diverse tracks, passion pit lay down their agenda with perfect pitch and absolute clarity - this is pop music that dares to differ from the mainstream, but never without recognising traits so vital in immediacy, in connection with an audience. paranoia. guilt. and brief glimpses of a better tomorrow, all cloaked in pop hooks. the album's lead single, 'the reeling', is a glitch-splattered neon-glow of a potential smash, all percussive playfulness and stuttering synth purrs, underpinned at all times by angelakos' engaging vocal performance. 'fold in your hands' is a shimmering opus that rises on building synth motifs before the whole thing collapses in on itself with a fractured vocal and rippling bassline whilst 'eyes as candles' and 'let your love grow tall' play out as ballads for modern lovers disenfranchised.
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