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grammatics formed around april 2006 in a terraced house basement just outside leeds city centre. they soon found that they shared many mutual loves...argument, doing things in the most difficult possible manner and general pretentiousness. chances are if you've been to any european festival or indie-themed club night over the past 18 months you'll have seen this four-piece in the flesh at least once, and having steadily honed the majority of the eleven songs that make up 'grammatics' over this period of time, they've unashamedly unleashed one of 2009's most astounding, and in many ways unparalleled albums. it ranges from mysterious ballads to instinctive angular pop songs. the incorporation of strings into many of their arrangements give the tracks a different feel than if they'd stuck to the standard guitar, bass, and drum approach. for fans of arcade fire, radiohead, wild beasts or patrick wolf. on dance to the radio.....release date: 23/03/2009
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