The Phantom Band
Checkmate Savage
[Edit this Release]
- Artists:
- The Phantom Band »
- Label:
- Chemikal Underground »
Release Date:
- Artists:
- The Phantom Band »
- Label:
- Chemikal Underground »
Release Date:
Staff Reviews

The Phantom Band - Checkmate Savage
Perverse, ever-playful and sporadically thrilling, what one listener might immediately dismiss as overblown and indulgent is also likely to engross others. It’s a direct result of the frightening array of genres encroached, and one that renders The Phantom Band's Checkmate Savage a journey emphatically worth taking. »
User reviews
- 3/10 by holyellen
- 1/10 by GMMiles
- 0/10 by alexroar
- 8/10 by scottgoodacre
- 8/10 by witholeary
- 10/10 by duncanw
- 8/10 by TheSoftSkeleton
- 0/10 by Teepee_uk
- 7/10 by sean
- 10/10 by Jook
- 6/10 by woodytom
- 0/10 by JoeyeoJ
- 7/10 by Mike_Diver
- 7/10 by moodiejg
- 7/10 by Dinodonkey
- 7/10 by Citra
- 0/10 by Harryaintemo
- 9/10 by MrSib
- 6/10 by irrikky
- 0/10 by Matty_PARIS
- 7/10 by charliepanayi
- 0/10 by
- 1/10 by therapyrock
- 10/10 by Nhoj
- 8/10 by katamariii
- 7/10 by Heinz
- 5/10 by FromANewWorld
- 10/10 by peenko
- 8/10 by olle
- 6/10 by fishwho
- 9/10 by Schadenfreude
- 8/10 by Funkster
- 9/10 by friendofthenight
- 9/10 by chestrockwell
- 9/10 by vamos
- 10/10 by gowman
- 10/10 by cohengunn
- 6/10 by clarker
- 8/10 by richardj
- 6/10 by XYZIA
- 0/10 by jamcensor
- 7/10 by mattgoesfaster
- 10/10 by DangerousSnails
- 4/10 by buckdeville
- 4/10 by swanny
- 0/10 by CasiotoneForJoe
- 0/10 by jp88
- 6/10 by gideon_
- 5/10 by aboynamedgoo
- 0/10 by nicbot29
- 4/10 by Luis_Carruthers
- 0/10 by jenesaispas
- 6/10 by RichWink
- 8/10 by theShipment
- 9/10 by carbonlakes
- 8/10 by cameron78
- 9/10 by innisj
- 8/10 by Under_the_Radar
- 4/10 by MmmKatheriney
- 4/10 by thomashworth
- 8/10 by MitchellStirling
- 8/10 by lilponcho
- 0/10 by evilpop
- 8/10 by Wagert
- 7/10 by phreak
- 10/10 by mrjosht
- 7/10 by wecancreate
- 10/10 by justanothersheeldz
- 5/10 by Fallout_at_the_Boy
- 10/10 by
- 10/10 by
- 10/10 by
- 10/10 by
- 10/10 by clarabella
- 10/10 by
- 10/10 by
- 6/10 by Tresco
- 10/10 by ThirdMan
- 9/10 by Disso
- 10/10 by linay
- 10/10 by starrymart
- 10/10 by
- 9/10 by
- 9/10 by
- 5/10 by teamcooperuk
- 10/10 by dball111
- 7/10 by grassrabbits
- 4/10 by TRAS3
- 10/10 by
- 7/10 by bob_saull
- 9/10 by
- 9/10 by
- 6/10 by refined_decline
- 8/10 by DJAlbertFreeman
- 10/10 by Chris64
- 5/10 by MBVLoveless
- 4/10 by Chunky_Lover
- 0/10 by HughDoVoodoo
- 0/10 by severedlegface
- 10/10 by
- 9/10 by
- 7/10 by rowley
- 9/10 by hush_hush
- 9/10 by captain_self_healer
- 8/10 by s0ul
- 7/10 by
- 1/10 by no_flashlight
- 6/10 by fistyness
- 6/10 by John_Ho
- 9/10 by artbaretta
- 8/10 by TheWza
- 8/10 by the_visiter
- 9/10 by
- 9/10 by
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- 4/10 by _sam
- 8/10 by Jack205
- 0/10 by deadonthestairs
- 7/10 by Wolflikeme
- 7/10 by ithica
- 1/10 by brian_international
- 10/10 by frewstonburger
- 7/10 by KillieSooty
- 8/10 by night_goat
- 8/10 by gshizzy
- 1/10 by cbrb1
- 8/10 by J-Ham
- 7/10 by silverfoxqpr
- 8/10 by NeillyNeil
- 8/10 by tschok
- 8/10 by sizeofanocean
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