Staff Reviews
Lethal Bizzle, Gallows - Staring At The Rude Bois
This track looks at the past, notices only the redefinition of the word 'rudeboy' that has been obvious for at least five years and completely loses, as punk today always does, its brains, its mind and its soul at the hands of a desire to prove that it has more balls van vat ovver geezer staring at me over der.»
Lethal Bizzle, Gallows - Staring At The Rude Bois
This track looks at the past, notices only the redefinition of the word 'rudeboy' that has been obvious for at least five years and completely loses, as punk today always does, its brains, its mind and its soul at the hands of a desire to prove that it has more balls van vat ovver geezer staring at me over der.»