Here's a visual and aural treat for all you fans of lad-rock, or ruffian-pop as we prefer to call it. We know you're out there. Go on, admit it. You love Definitely Maybe, don't you? And why not? Seminal coming-of-age record, that. But is the new Oasis effort any good? We've not heard it yet - we kind of lost interest after Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants - but the lead single (video below) sounds pretty perky, actually.
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We've also been given a clip from the forthcoming documentary film which follows the Gallaghers in their pursuit of making a record anywhere near as good as the first two. The full version of Gold & Silver & Sunshine will be yours if you buy the limited edition or box set version of said new LP Dig Out Your Soul.
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You want a soundbite too? They're always good value aren't they, those Gallaghers? Here's what Noel told Clash Magazine recently about his attitude towards doing promo. Let's hope he doesn't use this kind of language in front of the kids...
_> "We're inherently lazy, you know what I mean? We wanna be getting pissed half the time, and the other fuckin' time we want to be getting fuckin' high. I'm not arsed about going to see some fat c*nt and his fat kids and his fat record shop in fuckin' Fatsville, USA... What the fuck do I care about him?" _
Don't care about Oasis anymore? Maybe you prefer your anthemic terrace-rock a little more fresh faced? You'll be interested in The View's new video, then. Called '5Rebbeccas' (their spelling, not ours), it's a preview from their forthcoming, Owen Morris-produced second record which is due in early 2009. The single drops on October 27.
DiScuss: Which is better? Are The View the new Oasis? Who's your favourite Gallagher? Don't say Kirsty: it's spelled differently...