Are you as intrigued as we are about how many people are currently listening to In Rainbows?
We’ve been chatting up our friends at, The audio tracking and tastemaking site, and they have showed us a sneak peek of listens to the record by their users in the last 24 hours – pretty much as up to date as you can get.
As you can see (bottom of the page), most people have only had a chance to listen to the record a couple of times. However, there are over 12,500 In Rainbow listeners who are registered users so far. Unsurprisingly, album opener ‘15 Step’ is the most popular track but that will change in the next few days, meaning we'll have to wait a while before a 'definitive' favourite track emerges.
’15 Step’ has been listened to over 22000 times so far. If we judge that the album’s been available for 12 hours, DiS’ rather tenuous grasp of maths reckons that as one listen every 2 seconds. Impressive stuff…
As a comparison, OK Computer has 366,761 listeners since it was released; Radiohead have had 48,668,615 plays scrobbled, and 908,841 listeners overall.
Thank you specifically to Christian at for the help and statistics.
Listeners per song:
15 Step 12543
Bodysnatchers 11633
Nude 11224
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi 10404
All I Need 10150
Faust Arp 9856
Reckoner 9422
House Of Cards 8968
Jigsaw Falling Into Place 8618
Videotape 8512