DiS launches DiScover new music section; announces tour.
As if to confirm our commitment to new music that little bit further, we're announcing the inaugural (and hopefully start of many) DiScover: New Music Tour, featuring our favourite Oxford-based undefinables, Youthmovies and Brighton's grunged-up sex-rock duo, Blood Red Shoes.
If you've not checked it out already, you can find our brand new site, 'DiScover' by clicking here. It's a constantly updated source of the latest tips, news, reviews and features on the freshest new music from around the world.
We'll be hittin' the shores and as well as bringing you these dates, there will be podcasts and reports from the road of the debauchery and fun taking place.
Eat these dates, foo'
9 Portsmouth Registry *
10 Hertford Marquee
11 Liverpool Evol *
12 Manchester Night & Day *
13 Nottingham Stealth
14 London 93 Feet East
15 Birmingham Flapper & Firkin *
16 Leeds Brudenell Social Club
18 Oxford Zodiac
* - no Blood Red Shoes